Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Insurance - Love it, Hate it

I just have to say, having health insurance is GREAT when it all works out well. I worked really hard at my corporate job and I feel that I earned the benefits due to me. That's part of why you get work the corporate gig - for hopeful idea that you will have good benefits that take care of you if something happens.

My insurance did work out great while I was working. And even through my short term disability, FMLA and then long term disability. However, part way through my long term disability, the third party dealing with my insurance cut me off. Their reasoning was quite odd. My husband and I decided to take a little trip to King's Island with our 3 year old boy. When we got back, I mentioned this to my doctor and the fact that my feet were killing me, (part of the joys of Xeloda side effects). She noted that I had a good day and went to King's Island with my family. The third party handling my insurance, read this in my chart and decided that since I went to King's Island for a day, I must be well enough to return to work.

What?! Yeah, seriously that's what happened.

I guess they missed the part in the chart where I go to IV infusions every 3 weeks. And that I am on chemo every other week and the fact that I have metastatic cancer. And for anyone that has ever gone to King's Island with a 3 year old, knows that you have to plan your day out for some down time. And that your 'day' is not from open to close at King's Island, but more like noon to 5 or so. Honestly, I spent a ton of time lounging in the Pirate Pool in the kiddie area while my husband chased our son around. It was one of my more relaxing days.

But back to the point of insurance. As 3 people at the third party decided that I no longer required long term disability, they alerted my previous employer who promptly terminated my benefits. Awesome. Especially as this was the second time they did this in 2010.  And the first time was an accident, while I was still working. I finally got all of the bills figured out from earlier in the year, and then it happens again. And this is where all the problems happen.

When your benefits are cancelled - it is NOT an easy thing to get them all turned back on. One would think that you just need to call your HR Manger, right? No, it takes several calls. First there is your health insurance. Then there are your 401K benefits. You also have the Pharmacy, as well as Disability benefits. Each one takes at least one phone call, usually more.

Then there is the fact that I pay my former company the cost to have me on their insurance. It's one of the benefits of long term disability. I send a check every month with a little coupon that they sent to me. I have been waiting for my new coupons, but they never showed up. I did eventually send in a check with my account number, but who knows. I don't think that it mattered, just got my EOB and I'm not insured. AGAIN. This is the third time.

So, insurance, it's great when it works. But it makes me a freaking wreck when it gets screwed up.

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