Tuesday, February 8, 2011

If we are what we eat, what about pesticides?

Organic is now a wonderful household name. Albeit, sometimes an expensive one. Ever since I have been diagnosed with cancer a second time, I have been incredibly careful about what I eat. I will even occasionally have a week that is gluten, dairy and sugar free. Really, there is a TON of food out there that doesn't have this stuff in it, and takes good. How do you think the human race has survived all this time?

Needless to say, when I have one of these weeks, I am eating a LOT more veggies than I normally do. Even on a normal week, I do pretty well at eating my daily recommended dose of fruits and veggies. However, the pesticides in a lot of these foods are terrible for you. If they are bad for the bugs - just guessing that they are bad for us too. Doesn't take a rocket scientist or biologist to figure that one out. Not only do these foods have the pesticides on the outside, but some water laden fruits like grapes, draw them into the fruit itself. So no matter how much you wash - you will be ingesting pesticides.

I'm all about trying to be healthy, and I don't think that my body needs any more nasty stuff inside of it. Chemo is enough. I have 2 great links for you. Both cover which foods are a MUST to purchase organically. And another list, that isn't quite as critical. As I mentioned before, organic tends to be a bit more expensive. You may have heard of the Clean 15 & the Dirty Dozen. Well here are some links to help you out. The first link is to a pdf of a wallet sized card and IPhone App (sorry Android) of the Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen. The other link is a longer list of fruits and vegetables and where they fit in "buy organic" list.

Wallet List
Long list

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