All About CancerMe

'Hi' and thanks for checking out my blog. It sometimes feels like there is the 'regular' me and the 'cancer' me. Hence the name of my blog - Cancer Kelly. This is the Kelly that has to deal with IV infusions every 3 weeks, and is on oral chemo every other week. This is also the Kelly that has to deal with the dumb things in life - like insurance cancellations, disability and just feeling pretty crappy and tired some days.

I try to rise above it, and somedays I think I do pretty well. This blog is sort of my 'therapy' in dealing with Cancer. I feel like I am pretty well qualified to discuss it, as I have been battling cancer for the 10 years. Well almost 10, and a good 3 years of that, I wasn't doing any treatment and thought of myself as 'cured.' Guess that wasn't the case.

I use to work full time out of the house, in a normal corporate job. But it is hard to work on projects that have a 5 year strategic plan, when you don't know that you are even going to be here in 5 years. Yeah, I know, no one knows that they will be here in 5 years. Life is unpredictable. But with Metastatic cancer, your survivability drops to 20% in 5 years. Yuck....

At this point, I am going full steam ahead, with my new 'normal' energy levels. I have good days, and I have bad days. But the fact that every morning I get up I have a day to shape to my liking is wonderful.

I'd love to hear back from other folks that are dealing with the same issues or other ones. Cancer is complex and messy. And sometimes it is good just to vent.

Here are some great links: